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well, 41 years old, married, with a daughter, teacher of English Language in a secondary School,near Barcelona. Let me tell u a bit of my through this story: I saw the most funniest movie "What do women want"? with Mel Gibson. This is an interesting question for most of us to answer. I just wonder how most we all would answer this question. Do we know what women want? Being a man, I'd say not much. Most of us can't even carry suitable conversation.I don't think we even know what we want.Most people in general, don't know what they want. For those who do (or think they do) know what they want, their searching to find that perfect equation of looks, personality and social status, that makes for a happy disillusion.I guess there is nothing wrong with trying. What do I want? As a man or person? That's the real question here. I would be satisfied with a woman who could understand me well. I feel we are better people when well understood, and that includes friendship too. Take care.
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